Kermode Web App

description: Kermode is a web-based app that uses inquiry-based learning and cutting edge analyzing software to help students evaluate online content, build better online research skills, and think critically about all the media they consume.

Inquiry based learning – A much more active form of learning, our users are encouraged to explore and discuss the evaluation process with open-ended questions. Users learn to evaluate the website they found and gain the skills to evaluate all the media they encounter.

20+ Elements analyzed – KERMODE analyzes over 20 elements (and counting) to help users evaluate the information they find online for accuracy, bias, and timeliness.

coverage: digital literacy, media literacy, digital citizenship and social studies

target audience: grades 4-12

subscription cycle
January 1 – December 31
– we welcome joins mid-year and can superrate to include immediate access –

boardwide pricing
to be added

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