InfoBase: Issues and Controversies

description: Featuring a dynamic design and a wealth of features, Issues & Controversies helps researchers understand today’s crucial issues by exploring hundreds of hot topics in politics, government, business, society, education, and popular culture. Our Issue and Article pages make it simple to see all of the available content in one place; thousands of editorials and opinions from renowned newspaper sources via NewsEdge keep researchers on top of trending topics; and our enhanced navigation and search results and improved organization and taxonomy give users an intuitive and user-friendly research experience.

        Updated weekly, with an extensive backfile, Issues & Controversies offers in-depth articles—each presenting both sides of an issue clearly, coherently, and without bias—made to inspire thought-provoking debates. Its straightforward presentation of the key facts, arguments, history, and current context of today’s most important and timely issues makes the database an ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments. The articles are written by our own expert writers and editors, and each article includes a full range of supporting materials.

Want to learn more about how InfoBase resources can support your schools now and with future curriculum changes? View this recorded webinar for more information.

coverage: social studies, science, language arts

target audience: grades 8-12

subscription cycle
January 1 – December 31
– we welcome joins mid-year and can superrate to include immediate access –

boardwide pricing
Contact us for pricing that includes an over 50% TAL discount

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