free resources
- Alberta Books for Schools Grade K-12
A resource from the Book Publishers Association of Alberta to help educators discover Alberta-published books matched to the K-12 curriculum. All of the featured titles are from Alberta independent book publishers and include curriculum connections, subject headings, and grade levels identified by curriculum mappers from The Alberta Library.
- TeachingBooks' Early Literacy Toolkit Grade PreK-2
Expand word and sound recognition opportunities and enhance language comprehension with vetted trade books for early readers. With this wealth of hand-classified titles, students can gain exposure and experiences that align with the foundational elements of the Scarborough Reading Rope.
- Digital Human Library - Video Conference with Experts Grades K-12
Video conferencing programs are premium 1:1 interactive experiences for students lasting 30-40 minutes. Registered teachers simply log into dHL and search our library of Experts by keyword, curriculum subject area, grade, or our other advanced search options. Once classes find the right expert, they Request a Program. All programs are scheduled on a mutually agreeable date and time using platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
Infobase's Information Literacy Toolkit
Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.
- National Film Board Grades K - 12 French Version
Over 3,000 productions that take a stand on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Discover newly released films about Canadian issues with productions available in both French and English. Be sure to check the Education tab to find more educational support. Materials labelled CAMPUS are not available unless your school has a license for them but there are hundreds of fantastic resources available not within CAMPUS.
- Digital Human Library - Video Conference with Experts Grades K-12
Video conferencing programs are premium 1:1 interactive experiences for students lasting 30-40 minutes. Registered teachers simply log into dHL and search our library of Experts by keyword, curriculum subject area, grade, or our other advanced search options. Once classes find the right expert, they Request a Program. All programs are scheduled on a mutually agreeable date and time using platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
- National Film Board Grades K - 12 French Version
Over 3,000 productions that take a stand on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Discover newly released films about Canadian issues with productions available in both French and English. Be sure to check the Education tab to find more educational support. Materials labelled CAMPUS are not available unless your school has a license for them but there are hundreds of fantastic resources available not within CAMPUS.
- Alberta Books For Schools Grades K - 12
A resource from the Book Publishers Association of Alberta to help educators discover Alberta-published books matched to the K-12 curriculum. All of the featured titles are from Alberta independent book publishers and include curriculum connections, subject headings, and grade levels identified by curriculum mappers from The Alberta Library.
- ACCENT on Heritage Grades K - 12 English Version
Use the bilingual interactive online platform ACCENT on Heritage that allows you to learn and to teach the unique perspectives of Alberta’s francophone peoples in both historical and contemporary contexts.
- ACCENT: Discover French Beyond the Classroom Grades K - 12
Use this directory to find French recreational, cultural, and educational activities in the province that complement the Alberta programs of studies.
- National Film Board Grades K - 12 English Version
Over 3,000 productions that take a stand on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Discover newly released films about Canadian issues with productions available in both French and English. Be sure to check the Education tab to find more educational support. Materials labelled CAMPUS are not available unless your school has a license for them but there are hundreds of fantastic resources available not within CAMPUS.
- Info-Jeunes Grades 3 - 12
Info-Jeunes est une ressource sur les sciences sociales offerte en ligne et un outil d’apprentissage mettant en vedette des reportages hebdomadaires portant sur des nouvelles importantes. Cette ressource en ligne canadienne donne aux élèves les moyens de comprendre et d’explorer l’actualité à l’échelle du monde.
- 7000 Languages (includes Cree, Dakota, Michif, and International Indigenous languages)
Free online language-learning courses in partnership with Indigenous, minority, and refugee communities so they can keep their languages alive. More than 7000 languages are spoken worldwide... and due to colonization and violence, nearly half of these languages are endangered. Each language itself is valuable. But language revival is also linked to happier, healthier kids, advances in science, and more resilient communities.
- The Grand Math Connection
Information and instruction is offered for individual math skills or concepts. There are over 75 free lessons, including 22 hours of video instruction. Each lesson comes with practice questions and solutions, all designed to solidify learning! Topics are grouped by most applicable grade.
- Alberta Books for Schools Grades K - 12
A resource from the Book Publishers Association of Alberta to help educators discover Alberta-published books matched to the K-12 curriculum. All of the featured titles are from Alberta independent book publishers and include curriculum connections, subject headings, and grade levels identified by curriculum mappers from The Alberta Library.
- Twig Science Reporter Grades K - 5
Twig Science Reporter is a FREE weekly science news service featuring global, real-world phenomena! Developed in partnership with Imperial College London and with footage from the likes of BBC and NASA, Twig Science Reporter features a free weekly video with the latest developments in science, technology, and engineering, inspiring curiosity and introducing Elementary students to real-life STEM careers. With Twig Science Reporter you also get access to a unique archive of fun videos, text articles, fact packs, and class resources to expand your students’ learning.
- Climate Crisis Digital Resource Page Grades 3 - 12
Over 50 magazine publishers have collaborated with digital platform Exact Editions to launch a freely-available Climate Crisis resource page, designed for use across all educational institutions as a learning tool. The resource page features eight distinct sections, each featuring a rich collection of articles; ‘Agriculture', ‘Biodiversity & Conversation’, ‘Climate Activism’, ‘Climate Literature & Art’, 'Climate Politics’, ‘Deforestation’, ‘Fossil Fuels & Pollution’ and ‘Renewable & Sustainable Resources’.
- National Film Board Grades K - 12 French Version
Over 3,000 productions that take a stand on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Discover newly released films about Canadian issues with productions available in both French and English. Be sure to check the Education tab to find more educational support. Materials labelled CAMPUS are not available unless your school has a license for them but there are hundreds of fantastic resources available not within CAMPUS.
- Alberta Books For Schools Grades K - 12
A resource from the Book Publishers Association of Alberta to help educators discover Alberta-published books matched to the K-12 curriculum. All of the featured titles are from Alberta independent book publishers and include curriculum connections, subject headings, and grade levels identified by curriculum mappers from The Alberta Library.
- IBBY Canada From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books (great for early learners but accessible to all ages)
The catalogues include 125 recommended picture books by Indigenous authors, many illustrated by Indigenous artists, published in Canada over the last 25 years and currently in print. It reflects the diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences of Inuit, Métis, and 29 First Nations. This catalogue gives attention to picture books that promote Indigenous languages, with 15 different languages/dialects represented. Features books for children of every age, ranging from board books to picture books for older readers. *NEW: Teachers Resource recently added*
- Paths to Reconciliation, French Version
This map charts the hundreds of residential schools not recognized by the federal government’s Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement because they had been run by the provinces or other organizations. It also includes links to a series of first-hand accounts and related original-source materials from survivors and, in some instances, family members of survivors of these schools.
- The Atlas of Canada Grades 6 - 12 French Version
Use this resource to access maps that assist in the investigation and study of Canada and its people through historical, economic, environmental and cultural information.
- The Calgary Herald Historical Grades 5 - 12
Explore more than 125 years of Canadian news coverage. You now have cover-to-cover searchable access of Alberta's largest and oldest daily newspaper, the Calgary Herald.
- The Canadian Encyclopedia Grades 5 - 12 French Version
Use this encyclopedia to locate information on Canadian history, art, music, science, geography, culture and politics and famous Canadians. This resource contains articles, maps, images, multimedia, Web links, games and feature articles.
- Dictionary of Canadian Biography Grades 5 - 12 French Version
Use this resource to locate information on Confederation, the Red River Settlement, the Charlottetown and Quebec Conferences, the Acadians, and War of 1812. In addition, this resource includes biographies of Canadian figures like Sir John A. Macdonald and George-Etienne Cartier. The French version of this resource is available by toggling the English-Francais button at the top left of the website.
- Digital Human Library - Video Conference with Experts Grades K - 12
Video conferencing programs are premium 1:1 interactive experiences for students lasting 30-40 minutes. Registered teachers simply log into dHL and search our library of Experts by keyword, curriculum subject area, grade, or our other advanced search options. Once classes find the right expert, they Request a Program. All programs are scheduled on a mutually agreeable date and time using platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
- Early Canadiana Online Grades 9 - 12
Use this resource to locate primary source material related to early Canadian history. This resource contains maps, images, excerpts from books and diaries, treaty documents, and early parliamentary debates.
- Gord Downie's The Secret Path Grades 5 - 12
Use this resource to learn about the life of Chanie Wenjack. This animated film adaptation was created, written, and directed by Gord Downie, composed by Gord Downie with Kevin Drew and Dave Hamelin, and illustrated by author Jeff Lemire. It tells the story of Chanie "Charlie" Wenjack, his escape from Cecilia Jeffrey Indian Residential School, and his subsequent death from hunger and exposure to the harsh weather. *It is recommended to view this film before showing it in class as it deals with mature themes.
- Indigenous Peoples Atlas of Canada Grades 5 - 12 French Version
Use this bilingual resource to find reference maps of Canada, information about Truth and Reconciliation, a glossary of Indigenous terms, and more. Created by The Royal Canadian Geographical Society in conjunction with the Assembly of First Nations, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Métis Nation, the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and Indspire, this resource contains beautiful contemporary and historical photography, maps, and more.
- Indigenous Peoples: North America Grades 7 - 12
Use this resource to explore the political, social, and cultural history of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit peoples of North America between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. This resource contains collections from both American and Canadian institutions, including the Javitch Collection from the University of Alberta, as well as indigenous-language materials. Topics include: the Iroquois Confederation, Canadian Catholic Indigenous Missions, Indigenous treaties in Canada, and more.
- InfoBase's Diversty and Inclusion Toolkit
Celebrating diversity in your community helps foster a sense of respect, equity, and inclusion. InfoBase has gathered a wealth of content and digital tools—including special expert-led webinars, blogs, and relevant Infobase resources—to empower you with fresh insights, information, and practical strategies. (Note: some of the material may be US-centric)
- InfoBase's SEL Toolkit
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is more important now than ever for students, both in school settings and in their communities. Students, teachers, and families all benefit from social and emotional learning (SEL)—it has been described as the key to being a successful human. Long-term benefits of SEL include better academic performance, improved attitudes and behaviors, reduced emotional stress, and better workplace teamwork and success.
- National Film Board Grades K - 12 French Version
Over 3,000 productions that take a stand on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Discover newly released films about Canadian issues with productions available in both French and English. Be sure to check the Education tab to find more educational support. Materials labelled CAMPUS are not available unless your school has a license for them but there are hundreds of fantastic resources available not within CAMPUS.
- Peel's Prairie Provinces Grades 6 - 12 French Version
Use this database to find primary source material on the early history and culture of the Canadian Prairie Provinces. Information on Métis and First Nations peoples, Franco-Albertans, Alberta local history, the history of Edmonton, and Alberta Railways is included.
- War of 1812 Virtual Exhibition Grade 7 French Version
Experience the War of 1812 on-line from the perspective of each of its major participants—Americans, the British, Canadians (including Canadian First Peoples), and Native Americans. Using historic objects and images, this virtual exhibition allows you to draw your own conclusions and share your own perspective on a major historical event. The French version of this resource is available by toggling the English-Francais button at the top left of the website.
- Grades 4 - 12® is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups.
- Digital Human Library - Video Conference with Experts Grades K - 12
Video conferencing programs are premium 1:1 interactive experiences for students lasting 30-40 minutes. Registered teachers simply log into dHL and search our library of Experts by keyword, curriculum subject area, grade, or our other advanced search options. Once classes find the right expert, they Request a Program. All programs are scheduled on a mutually agreeable date and time using platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom.
- National Film Board Grades K - 12 French Version
Over 3,000 productions that take a stand on the issues that matter most to Canadians. Discover newly released films about Canadian issues with productions available in both French and English. Be sure to check the Education tab to find more educational support. Materials labelled CAMPUS are not available unless your school has a license for them but there are hundreds of fantastic resources available not within CAMPUS.
- InfoBase College and Career Readiness Toolkit
The world may be getting smaller, but the changes are coming faster. InfoBase has gathered a wealth of content and digital tools—including special expert-led webinars, advice videos, and blogs—to empower you with fresh insights, information, and practical strategies to help your community thrive. (Note: some material may be US centric)
- 7000 Languages (includes Cree, Dakota, Michif, and more)
Free online language-learning courses in partnership with Indigenous, minority, and refugee communities so they can keep their languages alive. More than 7000 languages are spoken worldwide... and due to colonization and violence, nearly half of these languages are endangered. Each language itself is valuable. But language revival is also linked to happier, healthier kids, advances in science, and more resilient communities.
- Alberta Books for Schools Grade K - 12
A resource from the Book Publishers Association of Alberta to help educators discover Alberta-published books matched to the K-12 curriculum. All of the featured titles are from Alberta independent book publishers and include curriculum connections, subject headings, and grade levels identified by curriculum mappers from The Alberta Library.
- IBBY Canada From Sea to Sea to Sea: Celebrating Indigenous Picture Books
The catalogues include 125 recommended picture books by Indigenous authors, many illustrated by Indigenous artists, published in Canada over the last 25 years and currently in print. It reflects the diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences of Inuit, Métis, and 29 First Nations. This catalogue gives attention to picture books that promote Indigenous languages, with 15 different languages/dialects represented. Features books for children of every age, ranging from board books to picture books for older readers.