dHL: Video Conferences With Experts

description: Digital Human Library (dHL) is North America’s premier K-12 experiential learning library. dHL brings people together in service of youth and learning. dHL connects students with hundreds of industry experts in all K-12 curriculum subject areas for free virtual programs, Q&As, career talks, and mentorships on demand. Video Conferences with Experts are free 1:1 interactive virtual programs for students lasting 30-40 minutes.

        Registered teachers login to dHL to search our library of Experts by keyword, curriculum subject area, grade, or our advanced search options. Request a Program on a mutually agreeable date and time using platforms like Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom. Collaborate with dHL Experts to design virtual experiences of learning that address student learning needs and goals. Feel supported as a teacher by a community of subject matter Experts who want to work with you and your students. #Learn2Connect and #Connect2Learn to build ongoing, meaningful relationships in service of youth and learning.

Benefits for Students:
– Build relationships for learning
– Access experts across industries around the world
– Explore new career paths
– Learn new content
– Discover new passions
– Acquire valuable networking skills
– Develop cultural competencies and transferable skills
– Build character
– Grow as digital citizens

Premium Teacher Memberships include the option for teachers to curate their own dHL Expert library, leave feedback for Experts, request new Experts, as well as post project ideas/ topics, and links to their dHL profiles to connect with other classes. dHL Experts are sourced and vetted by teachers, for teachers, based on teacher requests.


coverage: all K-12 curriculum subject areas, including Indigenous studies

target audience: K-12

subscription cycle
January 1 – December 31
– we welcome joins mid-year and can superrate to include immediate access –

boardwide pricing
to be added

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