InfoBase: World News Digest

description: Presenting more than eight decades of authoritative news summaries and background articles, World News Digest contains a wealth of material and a dynamic interface that makes it easy to explore the events that shape our world. World News Digest frames events for research and is the place to start any reference project—take a look today.

        For 80 years, World News Digest has been a go-to resource for context and background on key issues and events in the news. Hundreds of news sources, governments, and organizations—including ABC News, CBS News, CNN, Fox News, NBC News, NPR, and the parliament of Canada—rely on World News Digest for a broader view of the issues that matter today.

        And World News Digest supports 1:1 initiatives, blended instruction, flipped classrooms, project-based learning, and document-based question environments to provide assets for any teaching strategy.

Want to learn more about how InfoBase resources can support your schools now and with future curriculum changes? View this recorded webinar for more information.

coverage: social studies, history, language arts

target audience: grades 8-12

subscription cycle
January 1 – December 31
– we welcome joins mid-year and can superrate to include immediate access –

boardwide pricing
Contact us for pricing that includes an over 50% TAL discount

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