ProQuest: eLibrary

description: eLibrary® empowers novice researchers to more easily and efficiently choose a research topic and find authoritative information to support their research claim. It delivers one of the largest collections of periodicals and digital media (including books, videos, maps and more) editorially selected to support novice researchers. More than 11,000 editor-created “Research Topics” pages deliver the essential elements on a vast array of people, places, historical events, and eras. All content is full text.

        You’ll receive Research Companion – ProQuest’s flagship interactive, video-based literacy product – at no additional charge with purchase of this database.

coverage: careers, controversial issues, health, history, language arts, math, performing & visual arts, science, social studies, sports

target audience: grades 9-12

subscription cycle
January 1 – December 31
– we welcome joins mid-year and can superrate to include immediate access –

boardwide pricing
to be added

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